The Change Makers Club

At the forefront of business innovation

It has been said that today’s CCO needs to have board-level competencies that rival those of the C...

About the Club



Topics are chosen based on the interests of our existing members, industry-wide disruptions and fascinating topics broached at prior events.



Attendance is strictly by invitation only, and aimed toward COOs, CIOs, and other top-executives, including industry-wide thought leaders.



Our guests gain exclusive insights on trending business topics through networking and round table dinner discussions with guests of similar seniority.

Member Insights

A report of insights gained from each meeting of the club will be published at the conclusion of each event. We believe in capturing innovative, inspirational and insightful offerings from our guests and making those conversations available to new members. As the club operates under Chatham house rules, what happens here stays here, reports are careful not to give away too much. For the full insight, attendance at our event is necessary.

sign-up for insights