“Almost 80 percent of organizations are introducing digitally fueled innovation faster than their ability to secure it against cyberattackers.” [Accenture, 2020]
The latest predictions by Forrester make for interesting reading for CIOs and CISOs. According to their research, “digital leaders will drive double-digit growth in 2021 [while] traditional businesses are trapped in a continuous downward spiral of cost and complexity”.
Despite this significant opportunity for growth, organisations digital initiatives are frequently hamstrung by their legacy network architectures that place the data centre at the centre of their connectivity requirements. As cloud adoption accelerates and home working resumes, the weaknesses of this traditional architecture have only been further exposed. With just 16% of executives saying their company’s digital transformation efforts are succeeding [McKinsey], 2021 is a crucial year to turn the tide.
Yesterday’s network and security architectures can no longer effectively serve the digital enterprises, putting pressure on CIOs and CISOs to respond quickly. But where to start? Join us to discuss, debate and benchmark your ideas with other CIO/CISOs of large-scale enterprises…