Voce Aimo e Nadia

Giovedì 27 Giugno

18:30 – 21:30 CEST

“Without strong foundational security capabilities and controls within their cybersecurity programs, organizations will be exposed to risks brought on by their technology investments.”

– Mckinsey, 2024

L’era digitale richiede un nuovo approccio alla sicurezza informatica. Un approccio agile, intelligente e capace di rispondere a un panorama di minacce in continua evoluzione. La combinazione di analisi avanzate, intelligenza artificiale e maggiore visibilità per il board promette un’infrastruttura di sicurezza non solo reattiva, ma anche predittiva e adattiva.


Ciò che sta diventando rapidamente evidente, tuttavia, è che un approccio alla sicurezza veramente moderno rimane attualmente fuori portata per troppi. Per essere veramente a prova di futuro, i responsabili della sicurezza devono affrontare una serie di questioni impegnative:


  • È possibile misurare il rischio e si riuscirà a trovare un equilibrio tra resilienza e agilità?
  • Sarete in grado di navigare tra le vaste quantità di dati confusi per ottenere una visione unica di tutte le esposizioni, sia nel cloud che on-premise?
  • Siete in grado di convalidare e dare priorità alle vulnerabilità rispetto ai rischi in un ambiente digitale in continua espansione?


Si stima che entro il 2025 i costi annuali della criminalità informatica raggiungeranno i 10,5 trilioni di dollari [McKinsey, 2023].  Quindi, quali strategie e innovazioni tecnologiche dovrebbero adottare i leader della cybersecurity per preparare la loro organizzazione alle sfide di oggi e di domani?


Senior decision makers and other top-executives with a focus on technology, transformation and information security, working within some of the largest organisations in The UK. This discussion will be valuable to you if you’re looking to better understand how to leverage technology to drive growth and resilience in 2024 and beyond.


Attendance is capped to ensure every participant is able to contribute. The meeting is only open to invited participants or those who have been referred by a colleague or our partner, Splunk.



A special thank you to Splunk for their continued support of the Change Makers Club. Splunk was founded in 2003 to solve problems in complex digital infrastructures. From the beginning, we’ve helped organisations explore the vast depths of their data like spelunkers in a cave (hence, “Splunk”). Splunk has evolved a lot in the last 20 years as digital has taken centre stage and the types and number of disruptions have simultaneously escalated. With over 1,100 patents and a culture of innovation, we’ve stayed one step ahead of our customers’ needs. Today, many of the world’s largest and most complex organisations, such as Tesco, Specsavers, Gatwick Airport, McLaren, Vodafone and Bank of England, rely on Splunk to keep their mission-critical systems secure and reliable.


All of our roundtables are focused, collaborative and informative. Thanks to a chaired and moderated discussion you will: gain insights and ideas from thought leaders in different industries, benchmark your own plans within a collaborative and confidential environment and network with an exclusive group of senior executives in similar size organisations to you.


Antonio Forzieri

EMEA Cyber Security Specialization and Advisory at Splunk


At Splunk, Antonio is responsible for the EMEA Cyber Security offerings. Previously, he led Symantec’s Global Cyber Security Practice, aiding clients in diverse initiatives like Cyber Defense Centers and Cyber Simulation Programs. His expertise spans Compliance, Endpoint Security, Data loss prevention, Ethical Hacking and more. Antonio holds a degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and lectures on “Internet: Mobility and Security” there. He’s also a Director at f3rm1 foundation, focusing on advancing cyber security awareness and public services.

Gian Marco Pizzuti

Area Vice President, Italy Country Manager


Gian Marco Pizzuti ricopre il ruolo di Area Vice President e Country Manager in Splunk Italia. Oltre a rappresentare l’azienda americana, ha quindi la responsabilità delle operazioni commerciali nel nostro paese. Lavora nell’industria informatica da oltre 25 anni, e prima di arrivare in Splunk ha ricoperto ruoli executive in aziende quali Oracle, EMC2, Red Hat, Vmware e CrowdStrike. In queste differenti aziende ha sviluppato competenze significative su temi quali Open Source, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence e Cloud Computing. Sempre attento ai risvolti sociali della tecnologia, ha anche curato progetti pedagogici per un’adozione consapevole della tecnologia nelle nuove generazioni. Gian Marco Pizzuti vive e lavora a Milano dove è tornato dopo essersi laureato negli Stati Uniti.





Nestled in the vibrant heart of Milan’s Vasastan district, Restaurant Voce Aimo e Nadia is a culinary sanctuary steeped in history and innovation. Founded in 1962, the restaurant marries traditional Italian cuisine with modern flair, offering guests an unforgettable dining experience. With a commitment to sourcing the finest local ingredients, each dish reflects the essence of Italian gastronomy.


Located within the prestigious Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, Voce Aimo e Nadia promises an memorable gastronomic journey in the heart of Milan’s cultural and architectural heritage. Here, culinary mastery meets artistic inspiration, as the flavors of Italian cuisine dance harmoniously with the museum’s cultural offerings.

The Team

jh profile pic

James Harris


William Russell

Club Director
LI profile photo

Lily Patterson

Club Director

Elle Brasier

Head of Operations



We’re committed to supporting our society and environment. When you attend a Change Makers Club event, we pledge to neutralise your carbon footprint. To offset your travel or energy usage we will plant a tree via One Tree Planted. Once mature, the average tree has a net absorption of 30 kg of CO2 per year, which equates to 227 miles of travel by car or 96 hours of office usage. You can see our maths here.


Learn more here:

If you have a question about attendance, please contact me:


Lily Patterson

Club Director, Change Makers Club


Tel: +44 (0) 7762263219


Address: 18-20 Huntsworth Mews, Marylebone NW1 6DD